
i came across this amazing paper which discusses research areas and ideas that still need to be worked upon.

it’s a really comprehensive paper that details 14 open research topics, each with 3-4 research ideas that can and need to be worked on.

following is a list of the topics and ideas mentioned in the paper.

1. Fundamental NLP

1.1 Multilinguality

  • Low-resource machine translation

    • Developing small benchmarks for low-resource languages
    • Creating large training corpora for languages with limited web presence
    • Exploring manually curated parallel corpora
    • Using OCR for low-resource language data
    • Developing translation dictionaries using models of word formation
  • Multilingual models that work well for all languages

    • Addressing inequality in performance across languages
    • Incorporating off-the-shelf LLMs into MT systems
    • Improving performance on languages with limited representation in training data
  • Code-switching

    • Addressing challenges of large variation in code-switching phenomena
    • Developing methods for synthetic data generation
    • Evaluating existing LLMs on code-switched text across language combinations
    • Distinguishing highly similar languages and dialects

1.2 Reasoning

  • Complex reasoning

    • Improving numerical reasoning capabilities
    • Enhancing logical reasoning skills
    • Developing grounded reasoning abilities
    • Advancing causal inference capabilities
    • Combining strengths of neural networks and symbolic AI
    • Integrating LLMs with external reasoning tools (calculators, interpreters, database interfaces, search engines)
  • Responsible reasoning in social contexts

    • Developing models for moral reasoning in complicated scenarios
    • Incorporating different social contexts and cultural backgrounds in reasoning
    • Collaborating with domain experts and policymakers
  • Formally defining reasoning and designing proper evaluation frameworks

    • Refining the definition of reasoning in the context of LLMs
    • Developing methods to test reasoning skills in the face of data contamination
    • Addressing Goodhart’s law in reasoning evaluation
    • Creating reliable metrics for multi-step reasoning evaluation

1.3 Knowledge Bases

  • Automatic knowledge base construction

    • Improving knowledge coverage and factuality
    • Enhancing knowledge linking capabilities
    • Addressing out-of-distribution data challenges
    • Mitigating hallucination in knowledge graph completion
  • Knowledge-guided NLP

    • Developing efficient and effective ways to interact with external knowledge bases
    • Exploring web browsing for knowledge acquisition
    • Improving customized knowledge base lookup methods
  • Culture-specific knowledge and common sense

    • Understanding limitations of NLP models regarding cultural knowledge
    • Acquiring and representing knowledge encoding diverse cultural views
    • Developing methods to invoke cultural knowledge appropriately

1.4 Language Grounding

  • Fusing multiple modalities

    • Developing efficient and effective methods for combining different modalities
    • Addressing challenges of competing modalities in multimodal models
  • Grounding for less studied modalities

    • Exploring physiological, sensorial, or behavioral modalities
    • Integrating less-studied modalities with current multimodal LLMs
  • Grounding “in the wild” and for diverse domains

    • Collecting and utilizing data from realistic “in the wild” settings
    • Adapting models to fewer data points or different types of data in diverse domains
    • Incorporating domain expertise for better problem setup understanding

1.5 Child Language Acquisition

  • Sample-efficient language learning

    • Mimicking learning strategies of children for better generalization
    • Improving performance of NLP models while reducing required training data
  • Language models as biological models for child language acquisition

    • Using neural models as biological models for human cognitive behavior
    • Comparing models’ learning curves with children’s age of acquisition for different words
    • Exploring phoneme-level acquisition and intrinsic rewards in language learning
  • Benchmark development in child language acquisition

    • Creating new language acquisition benchmarks
    • Augmenting controlled experiments with large video datasets of children learning language

1.6 Non-Verbal Communication

  • Non-verbal language interpretation

    • Analyzing non-verbal cues (facial expressions, gestures, body language)
    • Determining universal sets of expressions and gestures across modalities, contexts, and cultures
  • Sign language

    • Addressing high variability in manual gestures for data curation and evaluation
    • Incorporating additional information (facial expressions, body pose, eye gaze)
    • Developing sign language generation for various scenarios
  • Joint verbal and non-verbal communication

    • Representing, fusing, and interpreting verbal and non-verbal signals jointly
    • Developing language models for each modality and effective fusion methodologies

2. Responsible NLP

2.1 NLP and Ethics

  • Dual use:

    • Addressing the potential misuse of NLP technologies
    • Developing safeguards against malicious applications (e.g., deceptive text generation, misinformation campaigns)
    • Interdisciplinary collaboration to combat unethical uses of NLP
  • Fairness:

    • Evaluating and mitigating bias in NLP models
    • Investigating dataset creation practices and their correlation with model bias
    • Developing stricter requirements for data creation to reduce inequalities
  • Privacy:

    • Addressing concerns about access to user data through LLMs
    • Exploring privacy-preserving methods such as:
      • Differential privacy
      • Federated learning
      • Secure multi-party computation
  • Attribution of machine-generated data:

    • Developing standard approaches for attribution in NLP-generated content
    • Addressing copyright and plagiarism issues in AI-generated text
    • Exploring membership inference techniques for identifying training data influence

2.2 Interpretability

  • Probing:

    • Investigating internal representations of NLP models
    • Designing probing tasks to reveal linguistic and world knowledge
    • Identifying potential biases in model representations
  • Mechanistic interpretability:

    • Uncovering underlying mechanisms in model decision-making
    • Extracting computational subgraphs from neural networks
    • Reverse engineering deep neural networks
  • Human-in-the-loop approaches:

    • Incorporating human feedback to enhance model interpretability
    • Developing interactive explanation generation techniques
    • Exploring active learning for interpretability
  • Reference-based text generation:

    • Improving reliability of generated text through step-by-step explanations
    • Developing methods to supply references or sources for model claims
    • Enhancing traceability of information in generated content

2.3 Green/Efficient NLP

  • Model efficiency:

    • Improving attention mechanisms for better efficiency
    • Exploring sparsity in models to scale up width while reducing FLOPs
    • Developing mixture-of-experts architectures
    • Optimizing architectures for balance between economics, efficiency, and performance
  • Efficient downstream task adaptation:

    • Developing methods for adapting pre-trained models with minimal parameter updates
    • Exploring techniques like prompt-tuning and prefix-tuning
    • Investigating parameter-efficient fine-tuning approaches
  • Data efficiency:

    • Removing redundant or noisy data from training datasets
    • Developing effective methods for data deduplication in vast corpora
    • Exploring data curation techniques for very large datasets

2.4 NLP for Online Environments

  • Combating misinformation:

    • Developing fact-checking technology across different languages and modalities
    • Utilizing network analysis to track the spread of false content
    • Exploring retrieval and knowledge-augmented methods for context verification
    • Addressing hallucinations and factual inconsistencies in LLMs
  • Ensuring content diversity:

    • Addressing the amplification of majority voices in LLM-generated content
    • Developing techniques to preserve and promote diverse perspectives
    • Investigating methods to counteract the under-representation of marginalized groups
  • Preventing mis- and over-moderation:

    • Developing nuanced content moderation techniques that consider context and cultural differences
    • Addressing the risk of unfairly deleting safe speech by minority groups
    • Investigating the impact of political interests on online content filtering
    • Developing methods to trace and analyze topics that are filtered or demoted online

3. Applied NLP

3.1 NLP for Healthcare

Healthcare benchmark construction

  • Strategies to create and scale-up health datasets
  • Synthetic data generation for healthcare
  • Data augmentation from existing data
  • Metrics to measure fidelity of synthetic data compared with real data

Improving clinical communication

  • Simplifying medical jargon for laymen
  • Developing educational tools for healthcare professionals
  • Providing personalized healthcare recommendations
  • Developing advanced NLP models for medical dialogue systems
  • Exploring ethical implications of NLP-driven communication in healthcare

Drug discovery

  • Extracting and analyzing information from scientific literature, patents, clinical records
  • Identifying and prioritizing drug-target interactions
  • Discovering new drug candidates
  • Predicting compound properties
  • Optimizing drug designs

3.2 NLP for Education

Intelligent tutoring systems

  • Generating targeted practice questions
  • Explaining students’ mistakes in various subjects
  • Developing human-in-the-loop checks for reliability
  • Addressing challenges of diverse data, privacy concerns, and trustworthiness
  • Improving evaluation mechanisms

Educational explanation generation

  • Generating explanations for complicated questions or reading materials
  • Developing explanations for automatic grading systems
  • Addressing concerns of overreliance on AI models
  • Balancing AI support with human teaching

Controllable text generation

  • Generating memorable stories corresponding to students’ academic skill levels and interests
  • Addressing domain diversity while pursuing controllability
  • Developing reliable evaluation techniques for text generation with diverse control requirements
  • Creating dedicated benchmarks and datasets for controlled text generation

3.3 Computational Social Science

Development of new abstractions, concepts, and methods

  • Advancing NLP methods for computational social science (CSS)
  • Developing customized, high-level text analyses for CSS
  • Evolving evaluation paradigms to capture validity of LLMs as language generators
  • Addressing challenges of large target label spaces in CSS tasks

Population-level data annotation and labeling

  • Using LLMs to annotate data simulating human interactions
  • Comparing LLM effectiveness with human annotations
  • Addressing LLMs’ tendency for higher recall than precision in annotations

Multicultural and multilingual CSS

  • Conducting large-scale, multilingual, and multicultural analyses
  • Studying language evolution across cultures
  • Analyzing value variations across cultures
  • Addressing under-representation of minority communities and low-resource languages
  • Developing temporal grounding for CSS research

3.4 Synthetic Datasets

Knowledge distillation

  • Transferring knowledge from larger models to smaller models
  • Utilizing LLM outputs as synthetic examples
  • Transforming or controlling generated data for quality
  • Emulating LLM behavior with smaller, focused models

Control over generated data attributes

  • Developing robust, controllable, and replicable pipelines for synthetic data generation
  • Optimizing prompts for specific data attributes
  • Addressing challenges in specifying attributes through instructions or examples

Transforming existing datasets

  • Applying changes to create semantically preserving new datasets
  • Format change (e.g., converting HTML news articles to plain text)
  • Modality transfer (e.g., generating textual descriptions of images or videos)
  • Style transfer (e.g., translating writing style from verbose to concise)
